Bill Gross on the new normal

In this 2009 essay, after an incomprehensible and irrelevant introduction involving golf, Bill Gross from PIMCO gives us his reasons why we may be in a “new normal” of lower economic growth:

  1. American-style capitalism and the making of paper instead of things. Inherent in the “great moderation” of the past 25 years was the acceptance of a sort of reverse mercantilism. America would consume, then print paper assets and debt in order to pay for it. Developing (and many developed) countries would make things, and accept America’s securities in return. This game is over, and unless developing countries (China, Brazil) step up and generate a consumer ethic of their own, the world will grow at a slower pace.
  2. Private vs. public-driven growth. The invisible hand of free enterprise is being replaced by the visible fist of government, a temporarily necessary, but (if permanent) damnable condition itself in terms of future growth and profits. The once successful “shadow banking system” is being regulated and delevered. Perhaps a fabled “110-pound weakling” may be an exaggeration of where our financial system is headed, but rest assured it will not be looking like Charles Atlas anytime soon. Prepare to have sand kicked in your face, if you believe you are a “child of the bull market!”
  3. Global economic leadership. It’s premature to award the 21st century to the Chinese as opposed to the United States, but if the last six months have been any example, China is sort of lookin’ like Muhammad Ali standing over Sonny Liston in 1964 yelling, “Get up, you big ugly bear!” Not only has China spent three times the amount of money (relative to GDP) to revive its economy, but it has managed to grow at a “near normal” 8% pace vs. our “big R” recessionary numbers. Its equity market, while volatile and lightly regulated, has almost doubled in twelve months, making ours look like that ugly bear instead of a raging bull.
  4. United States housing and employment. Old normal housing models in the U.S. encouraged home ownership, eventually peaking at 69% of households as shown in Chart 1. Subsidized and tax-deductible mortgage interest rates as well as a “see no evil – speak no evil” regulatory response to government Agencies FNMA and FHLMC promoted a long-term housing boom and now a significant housing bust. Housing cannot lead us out of this big R recession no matter what the recent Case-Shiller home price numbers may suggest. The model has been broken if only because homeownership is declining, not rising, sinking to perhaps a New Normal level of 65% as opposed to 69% of American households.

As usual, no acknowledgment that ecological limits could play a role. If they are playing a role, my thought is that the boom times leading up to 2007 could easily have masked a weaker, but more permanent, signal being sent to us by our planet. Then following the bust, that signal could make a recovery harder than it should have been if we were simply reverting to a long-term mean. So during each boom, we forget about the underlying signal, then after each bust it gets harder and harder to recover to the previous trend, and we scratch our heads as to why. If my hypothesis is correct, eventually there will come a bust that we don’t recover from. Maybe this is even it – there is essentially no growth in Europe or Japan, and we are celebrating a very low growth rate in the U.S. It will be difficult to discern the long-term signal from the noise in real time. In hindsight, it may be obvious.

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