
According to Scientific American, QBism is an idea stemming from quantum physics that objective reality does not exist, and rather the only true reality is that experienced from the point of view of each of our individual minds.

I happen to be reading The Hidden Reality by Brian Greene, which is about parallel universes. One (of many, many) things he talks about is the “anthropic principle”. The anthropic principle says that the answer to the question “why are we here” (humans, on Earth), is that Earth is the one out of countless planets and countless solar systems and galaxies that happens to have the conditions allowing us to be here and ask the question. This goes even farther if we accept the idea of parallel universes, to say that the reason we are here in this universe, which has all the right physical constants etc. for us to exist, is that this is the universe where we are able to exist and ask the questions. In this view, the number of universes is so large that there essentially has to be at least one allowing us to exist.

There is another theory that the entire universe exists inside a multidimensional “super string”, there are many of these floating around in the ether somehow, and two of them can keep colliding and drawing apart in an endless cycle that has no end or beginning – this would be an explanation for the big bang.

So to people who say science can’t answer the “why” questions, you don’t have to accept these answers, but they are at least plausible and possible. They may not be testable with our current knowledge and technology, but they can be investigated by continuing to establish the building blocks that would allow us to test them some day.

And none of this really matters to the daily experience of being inside an individual human mind, which brings us back to where we started.

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