The Moscow Midterms?

Back in April 2018, Clare Malone from Five Thirty Eight wrote a sort of speculative fiction piece about how Russian intelligence agents could attempt to hijack the November (2018) U.S. midterm elections. Now that we have just found out a lot more facts about how they did in fact successfully influence the 2016 election, this is no longer so speculative.

In my view, interfering with another country’s election is something more than an act of intelligence gathering but something less than an act of war. We can act all shocked and surprised that a hostile foreign intelligence agencies would dare to interfere with our elections. But the fact is, hostile foreign intelligence agencies do this, and the U.S. has done it to others, particularly during the Cold War and particularly in the developing world, a lot. So we don’t exactly have the moral high ground. Shame on the FBI and our other counter-intelligence agencies for letting the Russians get away with this. Then again, going back to the Cold War, we should remember this is the KGB and they have always had our number.

So we now know that Russian intelligence interfered in the 2016 U.S. election, and we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they communicated with members of Trump’s campaign team. The evidence for these things is clear, disinformation and propaganda to the contrary. It remains to be seen whether there is clear evidence that people in the Trump campaign new they were talking to Russian agents and actively accepted their help or even helped them. If this can be shown, then the people involved are enemies of our country and need to be treated as such. And if Trump himself was involved or knew his campaign was involved, he is an enemy of the country and needs to be treated as such.

Now, if this evidence is produced, it seems unlikely that the immoral, cowardly farce that the Republican party has become will act on the evidence if they are in charge. At that point, I think the rule of law will truly be lost. Trump’s people might be convicted, he might pardon them, and Congress might stand by and let it happen. If the Democrats are in charge and this evidence is produced, I hope they have the courage to impeach. Impeachment would make sure the evidence sees the light of day in full public view, even if a cowardly Republican Senate ultimately refused to convict. So this midterm election really is important, and it really is critical that our government do a competent job of counterintelligence leading up to it.

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