Project Censored has posted its annual list of most censored news stories. Well, sort of. These popped up in my RSS feed and are posted publicly on their website, but there don’t seem to be any links to them on the landing page. So, by all means support them by donating or buying their book if you feel guilty, or if these links are no longer active by the time you click on them.
Anyway, as usual I would classify some of these as “important but under-reported” rather than intentionally censored, but you can be the judge. Here are a couple that caught my eye:
- #22 US Transportation System “Fuels” Inequality – Well, I think many of us involved in planning and infrastructure are well aware of this. But it has certainly not been covered in a way that has seeped into the public consciousness.
- #18 The Human Mind as “New Domain of War”: NATO Plans for Cognitive Warfare – This used to be called propaganda or disinformation. Then it became “communications”. Now it is “cognitive warfare”. In a stroke of brilliant cognitive warfare, NATO is trying to convince us that it has just now discovered cognitive warfare. Everybody else is doing it, so even though we are the good guys we have to do it too.
- #14 Repression of Palestinian Media – I leave Israel/Palestine politics alone for the most part, because I consider myself too ignorant to express an opinion. But read and judge for yourself.
- #13 “Smart Ocean” Technology Endangers Whales and Intensifies Climate Change – The idea here seems to be to use sonar as a sort of wireless network on the ocean.
- #11 Wealthy Nations Continue to Drive Climate Change with Devastating Impacts on Poorer Countries – Come on! Not news! We know, we just don’t care, or if we care we assume we are helpless.
- #9 New Laws Preventing Dark Money Disclosures Sweep the Nation and #5 Dark Money Interference in US Politics Undermines Democracy– Because we need to make legalized political corruption even more legalized.
- #6 Corporate Consolidation Causing Record Inflation in Food Prices and #1 Fossil Fuel Industry Subsidized at Rate of $11 Million per Minute – Because one thing legalized political corruption buys is the right to monopoly profits and taxpayer subsidies. These things are best combined with cognitive warfare to convince people that the opposite is happening. This combination provides a fantastic investment return compared to competition and innovation!