Tag Archives: deepak chopra

Deepak Chopra interviewed by Ron Burgundy

Will Ferrell has a podcast where he interviews people in the persona of Ron Burgundy, his character from Anchorman. If you haven’t seen or don’t like Anchorman, you won’t like this podcast but if you loved the character, you probably will like the podcast. I am a fan personally.

Anyway, the Deepak Chopra interview would be interesting even without Will Ferrell clowning around in the background. Deepak Chopra claims to meditate for two hours in the morning, followed by an hour of yoga, followed by a day of leisure, possibly a cocktail, and a final meditation on the “mysteries of death”. The last is interesting because, if you believe his Wikipedia page, when he was younger he claimed that you could meditate your way out of aging and death. He seems to have changed his mind to a certain extent.