Tag Archives: security

Knightscope – for criminals who operate above the law

That is a dated Knight Rider reference, for those who didn’t watch trashy but awesome TV in the 1980s. These things are operating in some parking lots in Philadelphia. Some people predict Philadelphians will destroy them in short order. But they thing is, they are basically just a camera on wheels. So if you destroy it, you are creating evidence of yourself destroying, which the owner of this thing will be motivated to use against you in court. Some people say this is dystopian, but I don’t see a huge difference between this and a plain old security camera.

I wouldn’t mind getting one to collect video evidence of whoever it is leaving dog poop on my block. And no, whoever you are, bagging it before you drop it on the ground doesn’t really excuse you. Somebody still has to pick up your feces, and if that plastic bag gets washed into a storm drain and eventually out to the ocean, the crap will biodegrade in a few hours (possibly suffocating a few nearby fish in the process) but the plastic bag will be there in 1,000 years.

there are crazy people with guns on airplanes right now

They’re called air marshalls and they are put there by TSA. This article says being an air marshall might be the hardest, most stressful job ever devised. Everyone knows flying is stressful. It’s almost like a form of solitary confinement. Electronic diversions and moderate use of alcohol and over-the-counter substances can help. Air marshalls are not allowed to do any of these things. They just have to sit there. They have high rates of suicide compared to other law enforcement and military jobs, and they also die of heart attacks, strokes and blood clots.

So I feel bad for the air marshalls after reading this. I also wonder if having a stressed person with a gun on the plane makes me safer statistically than not having one. I feel the same way about armed teachers. There is just a certain rate of mental illness and substance abuse prevalent in the human species, and having more guns around means that more people will have access to deadly weapons at times when they are not thinking and acting clearly. You have to compare that to the very rare (but horrifying) rate of homicidal maniacs walking into schools and shooting. And teachers are not trained in use of deadly weapons or screened for mental health to the extent that law enforcement officers are, at least to my knowledge.