Tag Archives: technological progress

Trends in Ecology and Evolution Horizon Scan

This might be the first best of/forecast article I have come across in 2021, which is a sign of the impending end times (of this calendar year). I can only read the abstract due to The Man’s “Intellectual Property Rights”, but here are a few things mentioned:

  • satellite megaconstellations
  • deep sea mining
  • floating photovoltaics
  • long-distance wireless energy
  • ammonia as a fuel source

Most of these seem fairly self-evident, although I was not immediately sure how you would use ammonia as a fuel source. A quick web search reminds me that it is hydrogen rich, so if you have a chemical or biological process that can separate the nitrogen from the hydrogen without requiring energy input, you can produce hydrogen which you could then burn or use in a fuel cell. Both ammonia and hydrogen are fairly dangerous gases, so you would want to be kind of careful or do this in out of the way industrial areas (typically out of the way of the upper and middle classes, that is…)

October 2021 in Review

Most frightening and/or depressing story: The technology (sometimes called “gain of function“) to make something like Covid-19 or something much worse in a laboratory clearly exists right now, and barriers to doing that are much lower than other types of weapons. Also, because I just couldn’t choose this month, asteroids can sneak up on us.

Most hopeful story: The situation with fish and overfishing is actually much better than I thought.

Most interesting story, that was not particularly frightening or hopeful, or perhaps was a mixture of both: I thought about how to accelerate scientific progress: “[F]irst a round of automated numerical/computational experiments on a huge number of permutations, then a round of automated physical experiments on a subset of promising alternatives, then rounds of human-guided and/or human-performed experiments on additional subsets until you hone in on a new solution… [C]ommit resources and brains to making additional passes through the dustbin of rejected results periodically…” and finally “educating the next generation of brains now so they are online 20 years from now when you need them to take over.” Easy, right?

more Peter Turchin

Here’s a new journal article from Peter Turchin and his Seshat database to empirically test hypotheses about history.

Rise of the war machines: Charting the evolution of military technologies from the Neolithic to the Industrial Revolution What have been the causes and consequences of technological evolution in world history?

In particular, what propels innovation and diffusion of military technologies, details of which are comparatively well preserved and which are often seen as drivers of broad socio-cultural processes? Here we analyze the evolution of key military technologies in a sample of pre-industrial societies world-wide covering almost 10,000 years of history using Seshat: Global History Databank. We empirically test previously speculative theories that proposed world population size, connectivity between geographical areas of innovation and adoption, and critical enabling technological advances, such as iron metallurgy and horse riding, as central drivers of military technological evolution. We find that all of these factors are strong predictors of change in military technology, whereas state-level factors such as polity population, territorial size, or governance sophistication play no major role. We discuss how our approach can be extended to explore technological change more generally, and how our results carry important ramifications for understanding major drivers of evolution of social complexity.


Glancing through the methods confirms my suspicion that big data or machine learning analyses pretty much start from old-school correlation and regression, then branch out (sometimes literally in things called “trees”) from there.

twists and turns of mRNA research

This Science article (which seems to be discussing a Nature article) has an interesting discussion of how scientific and technological research has a lot of twists and turns and dead ends.

That Nature piece will also give non-scientists a realistic picture of what development of a new technology is like in this field. Everyone builds on everyone else’s work, and when a big discovery is finally clear to everyone, you’ll find that you can leaf back through the history, turning over page after page until you get to experiments from years (decades) before that in hindsight were the earliest signs of the Big Thing. You might wonder how come no one noticed these at the time, or put more resources behind them, but the truth is that at any given time there are a lot of experiments and ideas floating around that have the potential to turn into something big, some day. Looking back from the ones that finally worked out brings massive amounts of survivorship bias into your thinking. Most big things don’t work out – every experienced scientist can look back and wonder at all the time they spent on various things that (in retrospect) bore no fruit and were (in retrospect!) never going to. But you don’t see that at the time.


So how could technological progress be accelerated? I suspect we will always need human brains to formulate experiments and make the final call on interpreting results. But it seems as though computers/robots should be able to perform experiments. If they can perform a lot more iterations/permutations of experiments in a fraction of the time that humans could, the cost of dead ends should be much lower. The humans won’t have to worry as much about which experiments they think are most promising, they can just tell the computer to perform them all. If we have really good computer models of how the physical world works, the need for physical experiments should be reduced. That seems like the model to me – first a round of automated numerical/computational experiments on a huge number of permutations, then a round of automated physical experiments on a subset of promising alternatives, then rounds of human-guided and/or human-performed experiments on additional subsets until you hone in on a new solution.

Of course, for this to work, you have to do the basic research to build the accurate conceptual models followed by the computer models, and you have to design the experiments. And you have to be able to measure and accurately distinguish the more promising results from the less promising. There will still be false positives leading to dead ends after much effort, and false negatives where a game-changing breakthrough is left in the dustbin because it was not identified.

That is another idea though – commit resources and brains to making additional passes through the dustbin of rejected results periodically, especially as computers continue to improve and conceptual breakthroughs continue to be made.

I doubt I am the first to think of anything above, and I bet much of it is being applied. To things like nuclear weapons, depressingly. But it seems like a framework for bumping up the pace of progress. The other half of the equation, of course, is throwing more brains and money into the mix. Then there is the long game of educating the next generation of brains now so they are online 20 years from now when you need them to take over.

checking in on the “nuclear rennaissance”

This article focuses on one particular failed nuclear power project in the U.S. but it checks in on the idea of a stalled “nuclear rennaissance” overall.

The South Carolina legislature conducted hearings about the project’s collapse. But it has fallen to the United States Attorney for South Carolina to outline internal decisions that led to project abandonment—via court filings, plea agreements, and indictments. These filings are proving to be the best documentation so far of criminal behavior related to projects that were part of a much-hyped “nuclear renaissance” that began in the early-2000s but has since petered out in the United States…

The fault for the shocking AP1000 misadventure falls squarely on the shoulders of Westinghouse and the involved utilities. They all fell victim to their own reactor-promotion propaganda but lacked the technical and management competence to pull off the projects as envisaged. With pursuit of large light-water reactors in the United States all but dead, the nuclear industry is now endlessly touting an array of “small modular reactors” and a dizzying menu of so-called “advanced reactors,” all of which exist only on paper. It’s unclear if there’s a path forward for this nuclear renaissance redux, and if there is, whether taxpayers will be put on the hook for financing some of it.

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

I can imagine an alternate history without Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, and where climate change was understood and taken seriously by the public and governments much earlier. Nuclear energy was embraced on a vast scale, homes, buildings, and transportation were mostly electrified, and the world economy grew for 50 years without the devastating carbon emissions that are now starting to wreck our planet’s ecology and threaten our food supply. No doubt, there are some accidents and waste storage/disposal problems in this world, but with an honest accounting of the cost of carbon pollution would this world be worse off? Maybe nuclear weapons proliferation would be worse in this world, but then again, maybe a world where civilian nuclear technology was more shared but controlled by international safeguards would feel less pressure for proliferation.

The other issue with nuclear power plants is they have incredibly high up front costs and are incredibly long-lived. As technology progresses, a nuclear power plant is going to be obsolete (i.e., not based on the latest technology) by the time you design it and get it in the ground, and then you are stuck operating it for the next 50 years. So you have to take a really long range view, governments have to shoulder a good portion of the risk, and you have to keep the R&D going in parallel even though you know it takes decades to pay off. All this is doable, it just takes leadership and discipline, which our species and civilization mostly lacks.

why the development gap persists

The world’s technology, for the most part, is available to less developed, lower income countries. So why don’t they just reach out, grab it, and catch up? Well, a few have, particularly the so-called “Asian tigers”. Others have caught up on life expectancy and education, but not on income. This article by Ricardo Hausmann suggests a few reasons why it is not so easy.

  • Restrictions on trade, competition, and/or property rights. (But the point of this article is that these are the traditional answers economists give, and they are not the only reasons.)
  • University scientists are more interested in teaching, basic research, and scientific publications than in applied research that could help profit-seeking commercial firms.
  • Businesses do not invest much in R&D, either internally or with university partners.

He uses patent filings as a proxy for technological innovation, and I am not so sure about that. For one thing, he makes this statement:

Countries like Austria, Germany, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Norway, New Zealand, and Singapore patent at a rate at least one-quarter that of the US. And other countries, such as Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Iran, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Slovenia, come in at just above one-seventh the US rate.

Project Syndicate

The countries in the list above are doing quite well I believe compared to the U.S., and I know some of them have per-capita incomes greater than the U.S. Certainly, our per-capita U.S. GDP is not 7 times Norway’s and 4 times Singapore’s! (It’s lower in both cases per the CIA world fact book.)

Also, being healthy and well educated in a middle income country might not be all that terrible a life.

Those are my criticisms. But I do sometimes fantasize about how I would jump-start progress in a developing country. Certainly, I want to believe that big investments in research and education would pay off in the long term. Building universities, attracting talented professors, and then connecting them to private sector needs would seem to be important. I would want to bring in direct investment from private firms with high-tech know-how, and also seek expertise from development agencies like the World Bank, USAID and its equivalents in other countries. In all these cases though, you have to drive a hard bargain or you are likely to be exploited. I might hire Norway or Singapore to help me do that. Get the economy moving, then use the proceeds to build the infrastructure and keep the education and R&D thing going. At some point, you have to invest in health care, environmental protection, and labor standards if you want to provide a decent quality of life for people. I would probably follow Costa Rica’s lead and not bother with much of an army, but then I would probably be invaded by my neighbors or murdered by my own body guards.

AI and fusion

This article talks about machine learning/AI helping to make sense of the data from fusion experiments, and maybe eventually designing and even running the experiments. It’s interesting to think about computers speeding up progress by being able to design and run experiments orders of magnitude faster than humans could. If it works well, they could fail a million or a billion times in short order and there would still be value in a single success. You could also imagine a computer going down a rabbit hole and coming up with a result that humans are not able to explain or replicate, and then you would have to think about what to do with that result. There’s also the question of whether a computer can ever truly “understand” a system, but I guess constructed a model, whether mental or mathematical, testing it against observation, tweaking it, and then testing it against more observation is basically how we do it.

Tesla on the water

Some (all?) Tesla 3’s, apparently, are designed to effectively navigate flood waters in a sort of boat mode. Don’t try this at home, i.e. on the road near your home. First of all, you don’t know if your Tesla 3 has this feature. Second of all, even if you know you have this feature, you might take more risk, enter flood waters you wouldn’t otherwise enter, and end up equally dead.

Breakthrough Energy Catalyst

Bill Gates has an idea for how to accelerate research, innovation, and adoption of new technologies.

Through BE Catalyst, the airline will be able to invest in a large refinery that produces a high volume of sustainable fuel. As the refinery gets going, the airline can start buying fuel there. Even better, once the plant’s design is proven to work, the cost of building subsequent plants will drop. With more refineries in operation, the volume of available fuel will go up and the price will come down, which will make it more attractive to buyers, which will draw more innovative companies into the market. The virtuous cycle will accelerate.

Gates Notes

So if I understand correctly, once you have a promising technology, this is a way to try to accelerate the learning curve. Often promising technologies don’t catch on because the initial unit cost is to be commercially viable. Bringing the technology to market at scale will drive down the price both because the up front investment is spread over a large number of units, and because manufacturers and users will learn by doing and the technology will improve. But there is a chicken and egg problem where somebody has to stick their neck out and make that up-front investment to get the process started, then be patient while it plays out possibly over many decades, and be willing to take at least some risk that it may not work out. So the idea behind this non-profit group seems to be to share enough of that risk so commercial entities are willing to invest.

Four specific technologies are mentioned for this process: long-duration energy storage, sustainable aviation fuels, direct air capture (of greenhouse gases), and green hydrogen.

This sounds good to me. Maybe a model like this could work in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry, where technological progress is painfully slow and the payoff of technology is likely to be over multiple decades at least.

Richard Branson

Richard Branson is going to space. Which doesn’t particularly interest me. But what I find interesting is how his spaceship works. First, it is strapped to the bottom of a normal (but big) plane which takes off from a normal runway.

Once Unity reaches an altitude approaching 50,000 feet (15,200 meters), it will detach from Eve and ignite its single rocket motor. It will go supersonic within eight seconds and power up to 2,600 miles per hour (4,200 kilometers per hour), or beyond Mach 3.

After 70 seconds the engine will cut out, with the spacecraft coasting to its peak altitude, which for Sunday’s mission will be a height of 55 miles or almost 300,000 feet, according to Virgin Galactic.


When it is ready to come down, it spreads its wings into a sort of “feather” which sounds like a parachute, drifts back into the atmosphere (which starts at 50 miles according to NASA, but closer to 60 miles according to some international standards), then folds its wings back into airplane mode and returns to the runway as an unpowered glider.

Jeff Bezos’s version takes off as a rocket, apparently. Like I said, I don’t particularly care about the egos of these men, but it does appear that the era of private space flight is upon us.